Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) – Work Programme

Current Scrutiny Reviews

Title of Review


Proposed Completion Date

To be agreed.







Initial Scoping Reviews

Subject area for initial scoping


 Proposed Dates

To be agreed.

To be scheduled.


List of Suggested Potential Future Scrutiny Review Topics

Suggested Topic


To be agreed.



Scrutiny Reference Groups

Reference Group Title

Subject Area

Meetings Dates

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT) HOSC working group

6-monthly meetings with SPFT and other Sussex HOSCs to consider the Trust’s response to CQC inspection findings and other mental health issues.

Membership: Cllrs Belsey, Robinson, and Osborne

Last meeting: 31 October 2022

Next meeting: TBC in 6 and 12 months time

Reports for Information

Subject Area


Proposed Date

Future Car parking arrangements at Conquest Hospital

Confirmation from ESHT about the planned car parking arrangements at the Conquest Hospital under the Building for our Future programme


Development of the new Inpatient Mental Health facility

A future update via email on the progress of the development of the new facility in North East Bexhill.


Training and Development

Title of Training/Briefing


Proposed Date

Integrated Care System (ICS) and implementation of the Health and Care Act 2022 joint training session.

Joint training session with neighbouring HOSCs on the new Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS) structure and priorities, and any other impacts of the Health and Care Act 2022 including on HOSC’s powers and the implications of the recommendations of the Hewitt Review.

7 July 2023

Building for Our Future

A briefing on the Building for Our Future plans for the redevelopment of Eastbourne District General Hospital (EDGH), Conquest Hospital and Bexhill Hospital developed by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT)


Visit to Ambulance Make Ready station and new Operations Centre – East.

A visit to the new Medway Make Ready station and new Operations Centre for 999 and 111 services once the new centre is operational.

Summer 2023

Visit to the new Inpatient Mental Health facility at Bexhill

A visit to the new Inpatient Mental Health facility due to be built at a site in North East Bexhill to replace the Department of Psychiatry at Eastbourne District General Hospital (EDGH).

TBC but likely 2024


Future Committee Agenda



29 June 2023

NHS Sussex Winter Plan

To receive a further update report on the implementation and delivery of the NHS Sussex Winter Plan

Representatives of NHS Sussex

Hospital Handovers

An update report on the hospital handover times performance, including evidence of how trusts have worked together to make a difference, following the end of the winter period and call time performance for 999 and 111 services.

Representatives of ICS, SECAmb and hospital trusts ESHT/MTW/UHSussex

SECAmb CQC report

A report on the progress of South East Coast Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb) exiting the Recovery Support Programme (RSP).


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

An update report on CAMHS with particular emphasis on the progress on the waiting times for CAMHS, including progress on the development of the neurodevelopmental pathway, figures for the numbers of young people waiting more than 52 weeks, and how long young people wait between assessment and the beginning of treatment.

Representatives of NHS Sussex and SPFT

Committee Work Programme

To manage the committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping reviews, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.

Senior Scrutiny Adviser

21 September 2023

Patient Transport Service

To consider proposals to recommission the Patient Transport Service (PTS) and to consider the outcome of the Healthwatch PTS survey.

Representatives of NHS Sussex and Healthwatch

Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

To receive an update report on Primary Care Network (PCN) performance and services provided, including enhanced hours services.

Representatives of NHS Sussex

Committee Work Programme

To manage the committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping reviews, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.

Senior Scrutiny Adviser

14 December 2023

Committee Work Programme

To manage the committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping reviews, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.

Senior Scrutiny Adviser

7 March 2024

Committee Work Programme

To manage the committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping reviews, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.

Senior Scrutiny Adviser

Items to be scheduled – dates TBC

Cardiology and Ophthalmology transformation Programmes

An update report on the implementation of the transport and access recommendations and measures made as part of the review of these transformation programmes.

Note: Timing is dependent on ESHT implementation timescales.

Representatives of ESHT and NHS Sussex.

Children’s Specialist Cancer Services – Principal Treatment Centre (PTC)

An update report on the proposed changes to Children’s Specialist Cancer Services PTC.

Note: Timing is dependent on NHS England implementation process.

Representatives of NHS England, London / NHS England South East.

New Elective Surgery Hub

To receive an update report on the development of the new Elective Surgery Hub at Eastbourne District General Hospital.

Representatives of ESHT and NHS Sussex.

Access to NHS Dentistry Services

An update report on the progress being made to improve access to NHS Dentistry services in East Sussex following the delegation of commissioning responsibilities from NHS England to NHS Sussex.

Representatives of NHS Sussex / NHS England SE. Healthwatch East Sussex.

Access to Primary Care Services - GPs

An update report on the working being undertaken to improve access to GP services and appointments in East Sussex.

Representatives of NHS Sussex.

Transition Services

A report on the work of East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT) Transition Group for patients transitioning from Children’s to Adult’s services

Representatives of ESHT

Implementation of Kent and Medway Stroke review

To consider the implementation of the Hyper Acute Stroke Units (HASUs) in Kent and Medway and progress of rehabilitation services in the High Weald area.

Note: Timing is dependent on NHS implementation process

Representatives of NHS Sussex/Kent and Medway ICS

Adult Burns Service

A report outlining proposals for the future of Adult Burns Service provided by Queen Victoria Hospital (QVH) in East Grinsted.

Note: provisional dependent on NHS England’s plans

NHS England and QVH

Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

A report on proposals for re-procurement of Sussex SARCs

Note: provisional dependent on NHS England’s plans

NHS England